In April 2009, the Art Tactic Confidence Indicator fell by 63 % from October 2008. Valuations in the contemporary space have dropped by close to 60 % from last year and are now near the bottom. Meet avid art collector Kapil Chopra, who will share with you some insights of his strategies and join him in this exciting presentation that will take you through the roller coaster ride of Indian Contemporary Art and also highlight the current and future stars of the Indian art world.
Known for his frank, unbiased and critical take on artists and valuations of artworks in his blog, http://www.indianartinvest.blogspot.com/, Kapil Chopra is a passionate art collector of Indian contemporary art. He also writes for publications such as "The Telegraph ", "Mail Today" both newspapers and “First City” magazine in New Delhi. As Senior Vice President of Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, he runs one of India's most spectacular hotels, Trident. Gurgaon, New Delhi National Region and is also opening Asia's most luxurious hotel, The Oberoi,Gurgaon, which will further set new benchmarks in hospitality.
Hi..Kapil Chopra,
Congratulations on this recognition bestowed on you and your valuable views by the media.
Unbiased honest approach always find a place at the top. This happens only to karma yogis..
best regards.
hi...Kapil Chopra
...your insight regarding contemporary art is 'contemporary' in its true sense,your frank,unbiased and highly passionate view towards contemporary art will surely assist the young artists,
...Indian art will achieve a notable position in global field,this is our dream and the dream seems to come true very soon.
best regards.
Subrata and Amrita
Kapil Chopra .....
It was with great pleasure that I read of your promotion
to the position of "Senior Vice President" with "The Oberoi"
I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that
you will excel in your new role as Senior Vice President.
Please accept my congratulation on your promotion and my
very best wishes for your continuing success.
The Oberoi
Gurgaon India
Hi Kapil,
It is really refreshing to have your views on this vast field of art.
As Kolkatans we thank you for your columns in The Telegraph.
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